Common AC Problems in Summer

July 29, 2021

No one likes to be without the cool comfort of a great air conditioner during the summer. Making sure your unit is in good working order requires you to schedule regular maintenance visits. Sometimes you can fix the problem by yourself, and sometimes a breakdown requires a professional to get it resolved. This quick guide provided for you by Weather Masters Corp. located in Frederick takes a look at what might be happening to your unit and what to do to fix it. 1. No Cold Air Blowing When there’s no cold air blowing through your vents, an

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What Is the Ideal Temperature for Home Air Conditioning in the Summer?

June 6, 2021

Your home’s air conditioner makes scorching summer months much more bearable for you and your family. However, any homeowner who utilizes their air conditioning system during the summertime can usually expect to see much higher power bills. Fortunately, understanding what temperature to set your thermostat at can help you to keep your energy expenses to a minimum. Efficiency Starts With a Programmable Thermostat The first fact that any homeowner needs to realize is that a programmable thermostat can change the whole efficiency of their centralized air conditioning system. Due to its programming function, you can set

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What Are Air Conditioning BTU’s?

May 24, 2021

As you are shopping for a new air conditioner, there is no doubt you have run across the term BTU. But what exactly are BTUs, and how do you select the right number of BTUs for your home? The British Thermal Unit BTU stands for British thermal unit. It’s the amount of energy required to raise 1 pound of water by 1 degree Fahrenheit. This is one time when we use the same system of measurement in the United States that the British do. BTUs indicate the cooling capacity of your AC system.

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Should I Turn Off My Gas Furnace in the Summer?

April 19, 2021

You will not need your gas furnace all summer. You can opt to switch it off or leave it on. If you do not switch off your gas furnace, it continues consuming gas even when the thermostat is turned all the way down. Why Does a Gas Furnace Still Consume Energy in Summer? Even when your thermostat is turned all the way down, the furnace still consumes energy because of the pilot light. Older gas furnaces have a pilot light that burns fuel all the time. The older systems feature a pilot light that ignites

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What Are Ways I Can Conserve Energy?

March 17, 2021

Conserving energy is about more than lowering your utility bills. It’s also about reducing your impact on the environment. You likely have many ways to conserve energy in your home. Turn Off the Lights You should always turn off the lights when you leave a room. If you don’t need them to see, there’s no reason to have them on. Also, replace any incandescent bulbs that you still have with LEDs, which consume a lot less energy and last years longer. Run Your Dishwasher When It’s Full You can conserve energy and

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Why Is My Furnace Blowing Cold Air?

February 11, 2021

When winter is finally here and the chilly weather becomes unbearable, the first thing you do is turn on your furnace. But sometimes things don’t work as you expect. Instead of your furnace blowing the desired warm air, it blows cold air. It’s frustrating to have to deal with such malfunctions at a time when you need your unit most. But why would the furnace blow cold air? Here are possible reasons. 1. Thermostat Setting Before going to anything else, check the thermostat setting. Check whether the unit fan is set to ON or AUTO.

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Smart Thermostats: What Does Recovery Mode Mean?

September 20, 2020

Your smart thermostat is among the essential components of your cooling and heating system. It helps you in programming temperature settings in anticipation of future needs. With current models, you may even achieve this through Wi-Fi connectivity and digital apps. At some point, you may have noticed that your smart thermostat had gone into recovery mode. You may also have wondered what that meant. Let’s find out. What Is a Smart Thermostat? You’ve probably heard of both smart thermostats and programmable thermostats and speculated about the difference. There really is none; they’re

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HVAC and Airborne Viruses: Separating Fact from Fiction

August 8, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has many people considering ways to reduce the risk of transmission. Beyond social distancing, wearing masks, and washing hands, many people want to know if viruses can be circulated or prevented within a residential HVAC system. The case study that brought this to light related to a restaurant outside the United States where it is believed that transmission occurred due to the air conditioning system. Here are five facts to know about viruses and your HVAC system. 1. Proper Ventilation Is Key Ventilation throughout your house is important, not only for preventing you

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How to Connect your New Thermostat to your AC

July 14, 2020

Updated August 8, 2023 The thermostat in your home provides control over air conditioning, heating and ventilation and perhaps even more. Thermostats have evolved at a fast pace over the last couple of decades. Smart thermostats are more accessible and affordable than ever, and organizations like the EPA recommend them as a way of minimizing your energy usage and costs, so you ventured to your local home improvement store and picked out a model you like. Now, you’ve returned home and are left with the prospect of trying to figure out how to connect it. Generally, the

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How To Clean Air Conditioner Coils

June 5, 2020

Even though it may seem simple to pump cool air into your home on a hot day, the fact is that your air conditioner is actually a complex machine. As with any complex machine, your air conditioner is made up of many different components that must work correctly to provide the cool air you crave in Frederick. One of the most important components in your air conditioner is the evaporator coil. If this component malfunctions, you’ll be left with warm and humid air. The most common problem that we at Weather Masters Corp. in Fredrick see is simply dirty

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