What Does An AC Compressor Do?

May 10, 2020

A compressor is one of the most important parts of an air conditioning system, but the average person does not know much about what a compressor actually does. Educating yourself on this helpful AC component will make it easier for you to manage your cooling system and keep your indoor temperatures comfortable. What Is an Air Compressor? A compressor is the part of the air conditioner that is responsible for cooling your air, so it is one of the most important pieces in the whole system. A compressor is essentially a large pump that moves refrigerant

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Carbon Monoxide’s Impact on Indoor Air Quality

April 15, 2020

Carbon monoxide (CO), is a toxic gas that is colorless and odorless. You can’t see it, taste it, or smell its toxic fumes, but it can kill you before you are even aware of its presence. Exposure to carbon monoxide can affect people differently based on age, overall health, and the concentration and length of exposure. Where Does Carbon Monoxide Come From? When people think of the negative effects of air pollution, they usually think of outdoor pollution. However, indoor air quality will also impact your health. The following are some potential indoor sources of carbon

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